photo by Sandra Lory
Host a Screening
Our vision in producing Numen is to inspire viewers to think deeply about the sources of their medicine and how their healthcare choices affect themselves and the larger web of life. We hope to bring the same awareness to medicine that the organic food movement has brought to food.
Join the hundreds of herbalists, healers, parents, policymakers already sparking discussion with their family, friends, and neighbors by organizing a screening today! Use the film as a catalyst for conversations about designing sustainable systems of healthcare in your communities.
Screenings are great fun and surprisingly simple to host. Sign up at the Working Films Screening site: This will lead you through the steps to purchase your license, sign your screening up, and promote your film through easy on-line sharing tools.
Our downloadable community screening toolkit will guide you through the steps to creating a successful screening in your community.
A Word about Screening Licenses
It is extremely expensive to produce a film. Screening licenses help filmmakers recover some of the investment in producing a film and help cover the ongoing costs of organizing outreach and engagement campaigns. We have worked hard to come up with a range of screening licenses that we hope will suit your needs and that honor our investment. Please contact us if you have any questions or aren’t sure which license you should purchase.
Your purchase of the film supports our further outreach—thank you in advance!
Purchase Numen

Private Home Use DVD
In-Home Viewing Only 2013 Edition, 75 minutes
$19.97 Add to CartFor private and family use only. This DVD is not licensed for public, educational or community screenings of any kind. For public screening rights, check our screening packages below.
Public Screening Rights
These are available for the 2013 edition only
By purchasing these licenses you agree to:
1) sign up to host a screening on ScreeningHQ; and
2) fill out an evaluation form after the screening that Numen campaign staff will provide.

1. Home Screening DVD
1 DVD with rights to unlimited screenings in your home
$29.97 Add to CartPermission to screen Numen one time only in your home. Includes DVD, electronic publicity materials and license to screen the film in a home.
NOTE: This license is for HOME SCREENINGS ONLY – if you plan to host a screening in a public space or use it for your ongoing teaching, please purchase the correct license below.

2. Non-profit, Community License
1 DVD with rights to unlimited public screenings, for non-profits, teaching, K-12 schools, public libraries and other community screenings.
$59.97 Add to CartNumen offers an excellent introduction for courses on herbal and natural medicine and we realize that herbalists who purchase the film may want to use it more than once for different classes. We’ve designed this license to allow you to use the DVD in your courses without having to pay for the more expensive screening package.
NOTE: For use in colleges & universities, please see the other educational license below.

3. Pay-for-Itself Activist Screening Package:
1 DVD with unlimited public screening rights for grassroots and community groups and 4 DVDs for home use only.
$100.00 Add to CartThis package comes with 1 DVD that includes one-time public screening rights and 4 home/non-professional use DVDs to sell at your event to help recoup the costs.